
I'm Dr. Lisa Faast, PharmD

Pharmacy Owner, Mom, Wife, and... Pharmacy Badass!

Got questions about running a profitable pharmacy?

Submit Your


Dr. Lisa’s expertise in pharmacy profitability is unmatched. She’s helped thousands of pharmacy owners increase profits, streamline operations, and grow their businesses while reducing stress.

Whether you’re dealing with DIR fees, PBM audits, or low margins, Dr. Lisa has the knowledge and experience to help you tackle these challenges and achieve your business goals—all while helping you fall back in love with pharmacy ownership.

This form is where you can submit your questions, and I’ll use them to create content that supports you and the entire pharmacy community.

Please note: Submitting a question doesn’t guarantee a response, but I’ll do my best to address the ones that can help the most people.

Pharmacy Badass University Members—please use the Contact Us link in the membership portal for quicker responses to your inquiries.